About Me

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Pune, Maharashtra, India
"right now i'm busy doing something awesome for sure!!"

this is not your average copyright!! but a copyright none the less!!

letters from life to me!! ©
"you may not copy my stuff!! but if you still feel the urge to, make sure you point out where you took it from....:)"

Christmas Stocking Stuffers Ideas

Hello Friends and Family ❤️
It's almost December, ermmm, yeah okay 3 months to go but time flies and before you know it will be Christmas 🎄
So today I thought why not share some Stocking Stuffers Ideas in the price range €10-€15.
Now before we proceed, I'd like to share something. When you buy, try to buy local, handmade and sustainable. It doesn't have to be from me. There are so many lovely artists doing amazing work around you. So help them, help the earth and help yourself with peace of mind that you did good this Christmas 🌻
In the event that you do choose to buy from me, here are a few ideas and as usual I'm open to new ideas from you 😃 just remember when you buy handmade, you need to plan in advance and give the maker the time to do their best for you. 

Okay so here goes ❤️🎄🌻

1) Bag charms
I make the bag bagcharm and the turtle bag charm so far! If you'd like anything new, feel free to get in touch. 
2) Tiny dolls
They are cute, easy to take everywhere and they are cute!!! Okay I said that already. CUTE is good enough reason don't you think?!!!
3) Coasters and bookmarks
Who doesn't like to sit back and relax with a good book and a warm beverage this time of the year. Or anytime of the year!!! Now they need coasters and a bookmark. Yes they do. 😁
4) Dolls as presents (€20 and above depending on the intricacies)
These are lovely as Christmas presents. Something that a little girl OR boy even could keep forever. I'm making my daughter a dress up doll this Christmas. We have a no plastic toys policy at home. So unless it's been gifted, the only toys we buy are wooden and honestly I love using them as props in my Instagram photos cause they are so cute and pretty. Anyway so if you do decide on a handmade crochet doll here are a few examples

Thats about it from me for today. 
I hope you all have a lovely week ahead! It's a foggy and wet day here in Ireland but it's so beautiful ❤️ here is picture of my view today. Can barely see beyond the houses on the other side. 
My Chilly Peppers are also getting along well.
😃😃😃 Finally Goodbye 🫂

letter #324 : Granny Square Obsession

I've been crocheting and one of the first things I learnt to crochet was a granny Square! Then I swiftly moved to Amigurumi cause my interests were more there than Crocheting sweaters and caps. However, recently I came across a lady who made granny squares with animals on them and I was like omgosh that's what I want to do!!! 
So far I've been addicted. I know I say that a lot about crochet, but it's true. This is what I've done so far! If you know how to crochet, this is a great idea for kids. The possibilities with this are endless!!
My kids are loving this and clearly so am I 💝😌

Cathy Cat

Ken Koala

Mia Mouse

Ellie Elephant

Robbie Rabbit

Monty Monkey

Sonny Sheep

Tom Tiger

Aren't they cute!? Do you have any suggestions for what animals to do next? Would love to hear in the comments! Thanks in advance! Ta!

letter #323 be Hare or be Square

Be Hare or be square!!
This is bunny square is so cute! Dont you think?

Made the legs, arms, tail and ears. All separately.
The body is a square box. 

letter #322 Pao in Ireland

First let's start by saying that I'm Goan. Pao is in my blood. *Or as some would say, "in my genes" 🤣(sorry but that's an inside joke and I just love sprinkling it here and there)
When we moved to Ireland early this year, we obviously knew we wouldn't have access to all the Indian goodies unless we carry them along or buy them imported to Ireland. So that's how we pretty much have everything. Almost. Not Pao though. 
How else am I supposed to have wada pao, pao bhaji and cutlet pao? How? 
I have to make it. It's me after all. ☺️😆
Here's the full spilling of deets. 
Look at this, just look at it..😌
milk (warm)
2 tsp sugar
7 grams dry yeast
2 cups maida
½ tsp salt
2 tbsp softened butter
Update* I got 9 paos out of this. To increase the quantity I increased the cup measures for maida when made the second time to almost 3cups. Sorry I always play around with measures and I somehow get away with it(mostly) though baking is unforgiving and it's better you stick to professional measurements.
You do what works for you. I'm no food blogger or cook. *I'm just telling you what I did haha*

After about 15 mins research of different recipes in the internet, and some personal adjustments (like I used soya milk) I made it within the span of an afternoon. Cause this does have some waiting to do in between I would suggest you plan accordingly if you want to make this for a meal. I'm going to make pav bhaji soon!! What would you make?
Let me leave you will this. Yum!!!

Letter # 298: its just a little Tittle-Tattle

In a world where information is all over the place
Is it right to just keep the information all to your self?
Nah, its not gossip...*

Makes for long ,chatty and meaty conversations: Have Hours of conversation cause then you can talk about every person you know. And who knows, the one you are tattling with may tell you stuff about people you don’t even know. Oh how interesting! Just what you needed.

Good way to kill time: Have nothing else to do? Finished watching every saas-bahu serial? Kill hours with laughter and surprise as you exchange details of other people’s lives.

Improves general knowledge: Yeah, isn’t all that information necessary for brain development? Oh yes it is!
Find true friends:  People you tattle to, then become people you tattle about. Awww, the circle of true friendship.

Gives you a multi faceted personality: Watch how people you back bit two minutes ago become your instant chuddy buddies when they are with you. 

Everyone trusts you instantly: Cause eventually everyone finds out how good you are at spreading the word so they will tell you all their secrets!

So yeah! what fun! 
Yeah I speak sarcasm as a second language!

letter # 321 My latest Hobby

I'm borderline addicted to Crochet. Now now, don't imagine me sitting and Crocheting the whole day! I have a home, family and kids to look after. But yeah, crochet keeps my sane and afloat, as do so many other things that I call my hobbies.
Here's a checklist for those interested..have fun!
And look at what I made so far! 
These are honestly the good ones. I've had to go through many trials and errors to come to somewhat neat and tidy looking amigurumi figures. Heres a little example of what one month's practice can do!
The internet is seriously a great place to learn and Yes, one must know how to use it correctly and resourcefully. 
What are the skills you've picked up in recent times? What are the skills you'd like to learn? Time to ponder 🤔

letter # 12 (2010 drafts making a comeback)

what i learnt today...lesson #6

Yes, I can! In 15 mins or less! 😃
Again, an old post! I don't even remember who this was about, but the only person I can imagine now is my husband and how we would meet in the evenings after work (when he wasn't cleaning his house) 
Now with 2 kids, I can pretty much do all of this and more in 15 mins! 🤣 But for back then, this sure was an achievement!!! 
What are the things you thought you were being awesome at in the past but you only got better at it with time? Time to ponder 🤔

letter # 8 (the one that stayed in drafts for 11 years)

It's 2021 and I thought il have a little peek at my blog. A blog I started in 2010 or thereabouts!!
Found this in my drafts. I don't even know what I was thinking when i drew this. Why did i not publish this!? Silly? Weird!? Nonsensical? Maybe. But 2021 me will post this anyway! 
Here goes...!
 WHAT I LEARNT TODAY....lesson #3