About Me

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Pune, Maharashtra, India
"right now i'm busy doing something awesome for sure!!"

this is not your average copyright!! but a copyright none the less!!

letters from life to me!! ©
"you may not copy my stuff!! but if you still feel the urge to, make sure you point out where you took it from....:)"

letter # 178

“The best way of successfully acting a part is to be it.” 
― Arthur Conan Doyle, The Adventure Of The Dying Detective


  1. Hi Cressida,

    lovely illustration; but to think of it from a different perspective kind of depicts the irony of a human life. To be or not to be !!!

  2. thank you; and true! caught between duty and salvation! I guess we all have our disguises! :)

  3. Duty and Salvation............to be able to walk the line between these 2 successfully and fly away as a bird towards ur dreams requires conviction and talent of which u have in abundance; suggests this blog.

    so keep blogging . dreaming . achieving!!!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. very smart illustration! Often it's hard to tell if we still wear the mask or if we already became it.

    1. :) yes I agree! and thank you! :) have a lovely day! :)
